Monday 29 June 2015

DJ Disaster

I think disaster is a bit of an over statement. This is another tutorial piece, creating an urban style piece, with of various forms of street art and cultural influences.

I had a bit of a problem with this piece, I couldn't get the composition, or the overall feel of the piece to somewhere I was happy with.

As you can see I feel the composition and colours are a little off, for now I will, move on to something else to rest my eyes from this one, but eventually I hope to come back to a similar subject, and do a better job.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Two posts in one day?

Wow a second post in one day. you know its been 4 years since I made this blog and never posted a thing, well lets not over do it. 

I present to you piece number two.

So this one is a little interesting, this photo-montage of LA. was created using just layer blending options, and masks. This is something that I haven't played with for a while so its nice to start using them again and see just what this awesome program (i.e. photoshop) can do.
Once again this is a tutorial piece, original images provided by the tutorial

Wow... its been a while

So here we are the first post of a new blog, I hate writing these first ones, its difficult to figure out what to say. Oh I know, "Hi." How's that, feel better?

Anyway, down to business what are we doing hear? Well I know why I'm hear. This blog is here to keep a record of what I'm up to in my spare time. (the stuff I want to share that is.)

I'm currently in a bit of a weird place right now, I'm 25 been out of university know for 4 years (seriously they say time flies. Its true.) And I am looking to try and once again reach into the world of the arts, its been too long.

I have studied both graphic design and game design in the past with a honours degree under my belt, but over the past 4 years I haven't looked into progressing in these areas. That is where I want to start making a change. It's about time that I pulled my finger out as they say, and start working towards something awesome.

For me, I want to use this chance to get an online portfolio put together, along with my random thoughts on stuff that's going on, Like that screaming child outside, please stop screaming its too early in the morning...

...OK so back to the matter at hand, a picture, lets have one of those.

Queen of Hearts (tutorial piece)
So here's a little something I cooked up in-between working. This piece was created from one of the many photoshop magazines I have lying around doing nothing. The plan at the moment, is to actually start using these magazines for something other than gathering dust. The base images were provided but all the rest of the work was done myself (with the help of the magazine of course.) 

The pieces that I will be putting up for a while will most likely be tutorial pieces, as I am currently trying to re-familiarise myself with the many features of photoshop, along with learning about the parts I have never heard of.

So with all that said and done its time for me to start my next piece.